
American Fingerprint offers fast, secure LiveScan services for employment, licensing, and background checks. Our electronic fingerprinting ensures quick, accurate results, meeting all required standards.

Secure & Efficient LiveScan Fingerprinting Services

American Fingerprint is proud to offer LiveScan, the modern and secure method for capturing and transmitting fingerprints electronically. Whether you need fingerprints for employment, licensing, or background checks, our LiveScan services provide a fast, accurate, and hassle-free solution.

We are committed to delivering top-notch service that ensures your fingerprints are processed quickly and meet all the required standards.

Affordable LiveScan for Various Applications

Employment Background Checks: Many employers require LiveScan fingerprints to conduct thorough background checks on potential hires, ensuring they meet the necessary qualifications and standards.

Professional Licensing: If you’re applying for a professional license in fields such as healthcare, education, or finance, LiveScan fingerprints may be required as part of the application process.

Volunteer Background Checks: Organizations that work with vulnerable populations, such as children or the elderly, often require volunteers to undergo LiveScan fingerprinting for background checks

Affordable pricing

Lowest LiveScan Services Pricing

Electronic LiveScan submission

State & FBI fees paid by Agency


  • Nevada Department of Education
  • Private Investigators Board (PILB)
  • Accountancy
  • Osteopathic Medicine

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Electronic LiveScan submission

State & FBI fees paid by Customer


  • Nevada Gaming Control Board
  • Marijuana (Medical + Rec)
  • Nursing Board
  • Healthcare/PCA, CPE
  • Real Estate
  • Contractors
  • Insurance
  • Massage Therapy
  • Nevada Transportation Authority
  • Drug & Gambling Counselors, etc

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Frequently Asked Questions

LiveScan is a digital fingerprinting process that captures your fingerprints electronically without the need for ink. These digital fingerprints are then securely transmitted to the appropriate agency, such as the Department of Justice (DOJ) or the FBI, for background checks or other verification purposes.

LiveScan is faster, more accurate, and more secure than traditional ink-based fingerprinting. Because the fingerprints are captured digitally, the chances of smudging or rejection due to poor quality are significantly reduced. Additionally, LiveScan submissions are processed more quickly by the receiving agencies, speeding up the overall process.

Please bring a valid, government-issued photo ID, such as a state driver’s license, state ID, U.S. passport, permanent resident card, or military ID. If you’re obtaining fingerprints for a specific purpose (e.g., employment, licensing), you may also need to bring a LiveScan request form or other documentation provided by the requesting agency.

The LiveScan process typically takes about 10-15 minutes. However, processing times may vary based on the specific requirements and the volume of customers at the time of your appointment.

We welcome walk-ins during our business hours, but to avoid any wait times, we recommend booking an appointment online. This ensures you can be seen promptly and complete your LiveScan process as quickly as possible.

LiveScan fees vary depending on the purpose of the fingerprinting and the agency to which the fingerprints are being sent. Please contact us at (702) 388-1332 for specific pricing details.